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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, April 9, 2010

New Games Alert: Trinity Indeed Edition!

The last 3 days have been pretty rough on me with both workload and personal matters so I decided to stop by my favorite electronic store to blow off some steam earlier this evening - yes, we all know what the result of that would be, don't we? I picked up 3 games: The sci-fi real time strategy Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity and another Diablo-clone Fate: The Traitor Soul - both for the Personal Computer. I've been meaning to get Sins for the longest time but it's great that the wait resulted in me getting the version of the game that includes both of its expansions. I have done some research on Fate after stumbling into it at the store several weeks ago. The box and art style look cheesy but apparently, this game is supposed to be pretty darn good. The third game inducted into my Game Library today is Halo 3: ODST. As I mentioned before, I am no Halo fanatic but the price was great and I like the idea that I may eventually be able to unlock more rewards from the Halo Waypoint application on X-Box Live by playing the game alongside other Halo titles. There you have it, three games after receiving 3 Mario posters and each game has its own special connection to the "trinity" theme - Halo "3": ODST, "Trinity" in Sins' title, and Traitor Soul is a 3-game in one bundle (this was later discovered to be untrue). I should really run to the gas station and pick up 3 lottery tickets. The day is not over yet so perhaps I will get another kind of action involving the number 3 later tonight? Wait, you're getting the wrong idea - I was talking about playing Culdcept Saga with 3 other people - though that other thought you had may actually be rather exciting...

"Three" will show you the way.

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