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Tuesday, January 22, 2019

A Beautiful Odyssey

If you are familiar with the way I game, you know that I skip around a lot. Everything is mood based, it doesn't matter when a title first materialized in my Game Library, if I am in the mood for a particular experience, I normally would drop anything that I was supposed to continue playing - you know these days, games are mostly designed as a long single playthrough event - and move on to the next thing. These past couple of years, it's been hard to pull me away from Heroes of the Storm, but a game finally managed to do that and it's Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed: Odyssey. There have been major controversies surrounding this game with the whole XP boost situation - though 40+ hours in, I have not experienced any hindrance from not accessing this tacked-on feature - and the unfortunate spoiler I overheard about relationship decision with the latest downloadable content. Still, Odyssey is such a blast to play, there is always something for me to do, and the way they manage level scaling is very effective where you are free to pursue whatever quest chains you desire at any time.

Head over heels for Odyssey.

Now it helps that the main character in this game is hawt and yes, I picked Alexios, the guy. Based on the short amount of time I dabbled into Assassin's Creed: Origins, I understand that both games feature the same open world do anything, see everything philosophy as well as the graphics engine but you know it always helps to have attractive looking main characters, I mean, I try to make one every time I am given the opportunity to in a game's character creation screen. I personally think Origins looks a tad better environment wise, for some reason I favor the Egyptian theme more even though it's mostly over-represented in video games and other media than Greek culture. So yes, Alexios made me committed to check out what he's up to, something that Origin's Bayek failed to do, before I was completely hooked by the game itself.

You know who else is enjoying this game? The bloody in-game sharks...

As you can probably gather, I am pretty much sold on this game. I just love playing it and then I encountered something I found absolutely beautiful: two manly Greek guys kissing. Well, I found this extraordinary because even though gay themes have been making it into video games for a while now, they sometimes tend to showcase the "safer" representation of a gay couple. For example, you would normally get an elf partner because you know, male elves apparently are generally considered fair and pretty and then sometimes the other guy would almost, always be flamboyant. I know that sexuality is a spectrum: sure, there are plenty of gay couples comprised of two effeminate guys - usually the way it's represented in popular media, ahem Modern Family - because I think for some reason the responsible entities always try to drastically distinguish gay men from straight men and there is something wrong with that. So when two roid-rage types, a Spartan and a rough mercenary, are just pawing all over each other in a video game, well, that's always a cause for celebration. Yes, Odyssey has been very, very good to me.

Surprisingly, I managed to get my finger to hit that screenshot key while this was happening.

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