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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, March 13, 2010

What is This? Achievement Whore Week?

This must be a seasonal thing that I am not aware of because there's too much achievement whoring around me in just a week's time. Last night, I received a message from someone on my PlayStation 3 friend's list begging for everyone on his friend's list to join him in a multi-player session of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 because he needs to get a trophy called Et tu, Brute where apparently you have to knife your friend a certain number of times in the game to unlock it. What kind of ridiculous trophy is this? The name for it - a reference to the death of Julius Caesar - is definitely perfect but the impact on the gameplay? Zero. I can see competitive friends achieving the trophy by accident after many sessions of gameplay but boosting for this kind of thing is a definite sign of trophy whoring. He proceeded to state in his message that he would let us knife him too in the process. Even if I had the game, my answer to him would be the same: "No thanks. Go knife someone else."

Friend-knifing + trophy-whoring = Someone who can't be saved.

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