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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, March 1, 2010

New Game Alert: Eco-Box Edition!

Not a shameful Sonic product like what we are used to these days.

I received my copy of Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing (with Banjo-Kazooie) for the X-Box 360 today. I have been looking forward to playing this game due to the promising demo and so far, I have not been disappointed. It's pure arcade fun - definitely the best Sega game in quite a while. I didn't know that besides getting Banjo-Kazooie, this X-Box 360 version also enables you to race as your X-Box Live avatar! There is absolutely no reason to buy the PlayStation 3 version if you have the choice between the two. I found the game case to be quite curious as you can see from the screenshot below:

A clever redundancy solution.

This patent-pending "Eco-Box" design is obviously tailored to be eco-friendly by using less plastic in its construction. I have nothing against this "love mother earth" effort but I have a better idea on how we can produce less plastic in the video gaming industry: Sell all video games via online download distribution channels only. How's that for thinking green?

Update Note: I got to the same Billy Hatcher-themed racing track that was found in the PS3 demo and I can confirm that the frame rate fares better in this version with the texture works looking a lot sharper too.

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