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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Command & Conquer 3: Registration OK

Electronic Arts may get a lot of flack for their obtrusive industry-domination methodologies and Digital Rights Management implementation missteps but at the end of the day, they have always done the right thing. It may have taken them more than a month based on the complaints I found on EA's official forum but the online registration server for Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars is active again. Registration of a game is usually not that important but as I found out recently, it's a necessity for C&C3 if you want to play the game online. It's great to know that the EA Support Team were telling me the truth with their estimation of when the problem would be fixed. Now, if they can back away from mandating Internet connection to play Command & Conquer 4, I am sure that they will be loved again by the masses.

EA did it again. I am glad I didn't have to wait a whole month though.

I was hoping that many people would still flock the CC3 server because of
their disappointments in the crazy DRM and the much simplified gameplay of CC4.

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