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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, March 15, 2010

March Is Indeed Achievement Whore Month!

Alright, first the whoring of Culdcept Saga on the X-Box 360, then came the Battlefield: Bad Company 2 trophy desperation on the PlayStation 3... Now, it's time for another trophy whore attack and this time, this guy is not even on my friend list! It's official, there's definitely something in the air this month that is causing achievement/trophy whores to act so callously. Perhaps they are sensing that the end of the world is coming and they feel that they need to unlock as many achievements/trophies as they possible can before that happens?

March 2010 will forever haunt my memories.

I received a friend invite from a stranger who is asking me to visit his SingStar online profile on the PlayStation 3 because, as he explains it, he needs 200 visitors to unlock a trophy for the game. Oh my galaxy. I don't know if I should be violently outraged by this harrassment or if I should feel sorry for the guy. So he browsed other people's SingStar profiles from the community page and then spammed out hundreds of messages just so that he could unlock a trophy? At the end of the message, he made one final attempt to steer me, his potential victim, into doing his biddings by claiming that he had given me 5 star ratings on my video uploads. Pathetic!

Trophies will not make you feel like a number one... Will they ever learn?


Blake said...

Come on!! He gave you 5 stars, now that's love.lol

Loner Gamer said...

The funny thing is that if he were to only leave a general comment on my SingStar page, he would have gotten a visit from me because I always check to see who visited my page. Since he made his rather - how should I put it? - "unholy" intention known to me, he pretty much screwed himself over.