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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, April 12, 2010

New Games Alert: Totally Sprung Edition!

Direct2Drive kicked off their "Spring Gaming Fever" sale event this morning with tons of great selections for week number one. The prices for Dirt 2 and Tropico 3 are outstanding so I went ahead and got those two. I have been waiting for Microsoft to put Dirt 2 on sale for quite some time now on their Games on Demand service - there is still one mystery sale item to be revealed tomorrow - but it looks like Direct2Drive beat them to it. I really enjoyed the original Dirt on the X-Box 360. This sequel is less rally racing and more arcade action than the original but that's part of the allure for me. I have played the first Tropico such a long time ago and I can't wait to put on the shoes of the El Presidente again with Tropico 3. The most intriguing thing about this nation management simulation game is that it lets play around with dictatorship - oh what fun!

And that's only half of what's on sale this week!

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