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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, December 6, 2009

New Games Alert!

I really wanted to pick up more games than these two but I just refuse to pay full price for those other games knowing that the big Christmas sales are just around the corner. So what I ended with are two cheap games: Overclocked: A History of Violence for the Personal Computer and ExciteBot: Trick Racing for the Nintendo Wii. I have been eyeing Overlocked for a long time but I kept forgetting to get it even though it has been sitting at Severity 1 on my Purchase List. I just learned about ExciteBot several days ago and I am a sucker for cool racing games. This one features robotic bugs as the vehicles of choice so how could I resist that, especially at the really really low price that I paid for it.

Bugged, in more ways than one.

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