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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

August 2009 Monthly Gaming Analysis

With the end of 2009 being just around the corner, I definitely need to catch up with my Monthly Gaming Analysis so that I can write a bigger and better Yearly Gaming Analysis for this year.

The results shown below are of course based on the combined data from the Daily Game Log which should provide a clear indication of a game's usage frequency. Bear in mind that even if a game is played twice or more during a particular day, it would still register as 1 in the Day Count column below. In a sense, "merits" are given based on how often a particular game can make me play it again throughout the entire period of the month on a daily basis. A game that makes a gamer play it over and over again or at least spend a lot of time with it... Isn't that what we mostly want from a great game? I don't think it's really fair to count all the way down to the number of hours played since some games only require a short amount of time to properly serve their purposes.


Total Games Played: 62

August 2009 didn't seem to be that long ago - time goes by so fast, does it not? It is apparent that I wasn't too focus on any particular game that month. I can still remember that it was just one of those weird months where everything around you just seem out of whack. There were some personal things that I was struggling with at the time as well - which of course, didn't actually translate into happy gaming moments.

Thus, I found some solace in playing a little bit of my Nintendo DS here and there when I had more time to indulge on video gaming. I just picked up The Legendary Starfy earlier during the month, so it became an easy target of my playtime. I never get to finish it though I came pretty close towards the end. A really fun 2D platformer - a genre that needs to be revived with frequent new releases.

The two other prominent games for that month are Culdcept Saga and SingStar ABBA. I can always get into those games no matter how foul my mood could be at any given time. I was trying hard to find good people to play Culdcept Saga with but those 5 days yielded no results. Singing is a nice way to relax for me and after an hour into SingStar, most of my worries would always be lifted away.

Best New Game of the Month:
The Legendary Starfy (Nintendo DS)

Unexpectedly Forgotten New Game of the Month:
Little King's Story (Nintendo Wii)

I Missed You I Want You Game of the Month:
I can't recall to be honest.

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