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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day: Not Just Roses and Candies!

I am a romantic person - in that awkward kind of way I think - and I like celebrating Valentine's Day with buying the usual silly gifts and having dinner with my significant other. There were times when I would actually go out shopping on Valentine's Day while also getting a little bit of something for myself on the side. I was a little afraid to do this research this morning because I thought maybe it is something that I do every year. Thankfully, that is not the case because even I would rate myself pretty poorly if I think of nothing else but video games on Valentine's Day because that is just... a little sad! Below are the games that I have purchased on Valentine's Day. Since I was missing some of the exact induction dates on a small fraction of my games - there were a number of occassions when I registered everything digitally on my computer before losing the data due multiple hard drive crashes - there is always that possibility that there are more of these that are unaccounted for!

- 02/14/2001 -

- 02/14/2002 -

- 02/14/2004 -
4 games on Valentine's Day? Wow.
Can't remember if I was very happy or very depressed that day.

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