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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, February 27, 2010

New Game Alert!

Batman: Arkham Asylum was one of the three games that I rented from GameFly last year. I played through the PlayStation 3 version and ever since then, I have always wanted to get the Personal Computer release because I wanted to have a copy of the game in my Game Library and it is the prettiest version of the game. When I saw the special weekend deal for this game from Games On Demand on the Games for Windows Live client, I snatched it up immediately:

My first Games on Demand purchase!
Five weeks worth of special offers? I may be getting more soon!

$12.49 is a steal for this impressive title. When I completed the game on the PS3, I didn't get the chance to solve all of the Riddler's puzzles and the fact that it was a rental - I was rushing a bit while playing the game - didn't help that situation either. Now, I can enjoy the decrepit asylum at a more leisurely pace. The download is 7.53GB! Ouch. Thankfully, the download server is streaming the game into my computer very quickly! If you have never played this game before and you have a competent gaming PC, get this game quickly before the offer expires. I surely hope that Dirt 2 is going to be next on the discount list!

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