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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, May 23, 2011

Bad Game Bundle: Dirt 3

Dirt 3 by Codemasters is being released tomorrow for the Personal Computer, PlayStation 3, and the X-Box 360 and I was looking around the Internet to see if there is a good deal for the PC version that is being released as digital download only. I still want to exhaust all the gameplay out of Dirt 2 since I started playing that again recently but checking out potential new games is just ingrained within my psyche I guess. I was really shocked that there is a special release of the game for the consoles that come bundled with a "Ken Block Gymkhana Remote Controlled Car":

People are so going to buy this bundle...

The cost? $299.00. Yes, two hundred and ninety-nine dollars. Now who in the right mind would buy one game for $300? The people at Codemasters are brilliant when it comes to making racing games but apparently they are not very smart with their marketing strategies: First off, the Dirt series has never been a serious driving simulator and they have always been a bit more arcade in both structure and gameplay. Sure the vehicles models are very authentic and that the handling can be realistic and precise but the Dirt games are made to attract casual driving fans. Secondly, there are probably not a lot of RC fanatics who play video games because they take that passion out in the fields instead of sitting in front of the televisions. I am sure that the remote controlled car model bundled with this game is expensive to make and it is of top-notch quality but seriously... $299? Would you not rather spend that much money buying 5-6 individual games instead?

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