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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Free Old Games? Thanks a Lot Sony!

Well, it looks like one of my suggestions to make the return to the PlayStation Network a welcoming experience will indeed be implemented by Sony... but not to the degree that would make a great impact upon the situation. Sony will be offering two PlayStation 3 games and two PlayStation Portable games that PSN users can download once the service is completely up and running and the list of these games are sad... These games are old and what is worse is that the selections are extremely limited. I have listed the games below and I have marked (*) the games that I already own:

Dead Nation
Super Stardust HD*
WipEout HD + Fury*
ModNation Racers
Pursuit Force*
Killzone Liberation*

So it looks like I am at the losing end of this half-hearted deal. LittleBigPlanet? Really, Sony? Why not the sequel? And why would I want to download LittleBigPlanet and ModNation Racers for the PSP when I already have the PS3 versions of those? In addition to these disappointing offerings and that self-serving PlayStation Plus scheme, there will also be other small things that we will be receiving. You can read up on the details of Sony's "Customer Appreciation Program" by clicking here. Utter failure.

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