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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dark & Krazy

Two new games are inducted into my Game Library today. The first is Darkspore: Limited Edition for the Personal Computer, a dungeon crawler that impressed me so when I played the beta about a month ago. I heard too many people wanting to avoid this game because it is not Diablo III but you know what? Blizzy is not releasing that game anytime soon so stop whining about the situation. Don't vent out your frustration on this creative hybrid of creature customization and dungeon crawlling role playing action hotness. The second game is Mortal Kombat for the PlayStation 3. I have been watching this game being streamed on Justin.tv for weeks now and I am glad to be able to finally get my hands on it. I decided to go ahead with the PS3 version because of the additional character included - Kratos - and the ability to play online for free since I still don't have X-Box LIVE Gold reactivated. Sure, the PlayStation Network is down at the moment but since it should be back up this coming Tuesday, I don't have to wait that long to experience the online play.

Darkspore is not that dark of a game compared to Mortal Kombat.

*Thanks honey for helping me come up with the title of this article.

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