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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

From PSN to SOE

As if the security breach of the PlayStation Network was not bad enough - it was already made worse by Sony's inaction to immediately caution customer about a possibility of personal data breach - I have now received another notification from Sony about Sony Online Entertainment being hacked. The email I received is pretty much a carbon copy of that statement they sent out to notify PSN users of the original trouble with PSN being switched to SOE. I haven't used SOE in a while - I did so during my EverQuest II days - but of course that doesn't negate the fact that my personal data may have been stolen from Sony twice. Things are a lot worse for our European friends because an old archive containing specific credit card and debit card information was accessed as well. With the PSN still not up today (the last confirmed try was about 15 minutes ago), I doubt that we will see both PSN and SOE being back up anytime soon. Heck, with how huge of a problem this is becoming, I would not be surprised if they will remain offline for the entire month of May. I sure hope that they will find these hackers soon and provide them with the proper punishment. In the meantime though, I am sure Sony is just worried about how they can come out of this with a lot of money in their pockets as already exemplified by their "generous" offer to give PSN users one month of free PSN+ membership when the service is back up - DISGUSTING!

Looks familiar doesn't it?


Gameolio said...

Oh man :(

Egg on faces and millions of angry customers. Not looking good.

Loner Gamer said...

Yeah, pretty much and the most shocking part to all of these security breaches is realizing that Sony just doesn't give a frak.