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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, May 9, 2011

PlayStation Rewards T-Shirt

When the ill-fated PlayStation Rewards beta ended, participants were promised a t-shirt if they made it to at least the "Select" tier and mine finally came today. It is obvious that this 100% cotton black t-shirt is cheaply made and even though the thank you note that came with it ordered me to "Wear It Proud", there is really nothing about the t-shirt that screams out loud that you have participated in something particularly special. The front feature the word "PlayStation" in Japanese and the left sleeve has the PlayStation logo. That's it. Will I be wearing it to go out to the clubs? No, but I will definitely be rocking it when I go to my favorite electronics store I suppose. To showcase the t-shirt for your pleasure, I have hired the very current and hot male supermodel El-Gee to set your eyes on fire! Yes, you will definitely be wanting this t-shirt now.

The PS Reward t-shirt is perfect for strenuous action...

...or a gentle walk in the park!

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