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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, May 15, 2011

PSN Returns with a Small Patch?

A friend of mind informed me last night that the PlayStation Network was supposed to be back up so I turned on my PlayStation 3 and I was able to download the latest firmware - a very small update that should last you only a couple of minutes to complete - as well as sign in to my PSN account afterwards, a process that included a mandatory password change. I was hoping that the Xross Media Bar would be visually altered, complete with a happy "Welcome Back" message from Sony but that was not the case. Instead, I was greeted by a cold sense of emptiness, especially after noticing that the PSN Store was (and still is) down so no goodies for us yet. It is great to see that the PSN is recovering, which means that I can finally check out the online features of Mortal Kombat but it would have been nice to see immediate enhancement to the service after the long period of downtime. I guess things are going to get back to normal now and Sony is primed and ready to rake in the dollars very soon. Don't believe me? Just look at Kazuo Hirai's sinister smirk in Sony's official service restoration video.

Almost fully functional.

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