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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Shifting Gears from Sony-Apocalypse

I have had enough writing about Sony for today so let's discuss something a little more fun - like the "EA Week May 2-9" event on Steam. Throughout this week, Steam is offering daily deals involving games from Electronic Arts. Yesterday was all about the Dragon Age series and today, they have 3 Need for Speed titles up on sale. I missed several sales opportunity in the past to get Need for Speed: Shift so I decided to take action this time around. I have heard so many good things about Shift, that is is more of an arcade racer than a simulation and I do love my arcade racers. I do want Shift 2: Unleashed as well but it wasn't presented as a part of today's offer. That's fine however since I just got the first game and it should hold me over until the sequel is up on sale for a crazy low price several years from now.

Screw 65% discounts... Let's do it at 66%, yeah!

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