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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, June 5, 2010

The Non-Mainstream is Now Streaming

I have decided to open a Loner Gamer account on Justin.tv today. I still have a bit of a headache from trying to properly set everything up - it was a bit confusing and frustrating since I don't necessarily have the best tools nor the fastest Internet connection speed for it. [Update Note - 8:51pm: I am finally content with the quality of stream that I am able to produce with I have. It's only going to get better in the future I am sure!] I thought that it was a good place to have real time interaction with other gamers. I played a game of Culdcept for the PlayStation 2 to test out the streaming action: Didn't get any audience today though - it was Culdcept after all. I am thinking of doing my live streams in the early evening on the weekdays and in the daytime during the weekend.

10 seconds? Yeah right. More like several hours to get everything right.

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