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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, June 28, 2010

Games Played 06/21/2010 - 06/27/2010

- 06/21/2010 -
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift - NDS
League of Legends - PC
OutRun Arcade Demo - X-Box 360
Persona 4 - PlayStation 2
Torchlight - PC

- 06/22/2010 -
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift - NDS
League of Legends - PC

- 06/23/2010 -
Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project Demo - X-Box 360*
League of Legends - PC

*I was initially excited about this because it's a 2D shooter with 3D graphics.
Then came the sluggish gameplay coupled by the horrible frame rate. Avoid it!

- 06/24/2010 -
Crackdown II Demo - X-Box 360
Final Fantasy XII - PlayStation 2
League of Legends - PC
RISK: Factions Demo - X-Box 360*
Sakura Wars: So Long, My Love - PlayStation 2
Torchlight - PC
Trine - PC

*I have never played the board game but I like this a lot.
The cartoon-ish presentation is inviting and the game is addictive.

- 06/25/2010 -
Blur - PC
Castle Crashers - X-Box 360
League of Legends - PC
Torchlight - PC

- 06/26/2010 -
League of Legends - PC
Söldner-X 2: Final Prototype - PlayStation 3
Torchlight - PC

- 06/27/2010 -
League of Legends - PC
Rocket Knight - PC
Sin & Punishment: Star Successor - Wii
Zeno Clash - PC


Anonymous said...

Pst, question: can i make a review in your blog? (in english of course)

Loner Gamer said...

Sorry Dell, I am not doing any collaboration on the site at this time. Thanks for asking though.

Anonymous said...

Ok no problem. Just wanna help so you´re not the only one posting there (i guess that´s why you named it loner gamer haha).