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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, June 27, 2010

New Game Alert: No Hard Feelings Edition!

The other game that I got today is Zeno Clash for the Personal Computer, a first person action adventure set in a really offbeat fantasy world. Though this PC version has less feature compared to the recent X-Box 360 release - most notably, the missing co-op mode - the graphics is much superior and developer ACE Team did claim that they eventually update the PC version with the new contents found on the 360. Steam is having a summer sale (I missed the first couple of days of it because I haven't logged on to my Steam client in a while) and I snatched up Zeno Clash for only $3.75! The only thing about this game is that it doesn't support the 360 controller even after its debut on the 360. I sure hope that they will add that in when they finally patched up the game with the missing new contents.

Bird-like creatures, tribal overtone, bad hair, horny women... You can find them all in Zeno Clash.

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