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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Games Played 07/10/2009

Well, this is the first time in a very long while where I didn't play a single game in a period of a day. I believe the last time this happened to me was while I was doing my undergraduate studies. I always manage to find a video game to play wherever I go - thank goodness for those handhelds - and thinking back to the July 10th date, I can't recall any special reason why I didn't touch a single game that day. It was a Friday and I know that I didn't go out on a date that evening (not that it would stop me from sneaking in several of minutes of gameplay during the actual date - I know, I can be a terrible companion sometimes). I also remember being surprised the next day when I made an entry into my Daily Game Log notebook and noticed that I didn't play anything the day before. Since this is a special occasion, I'm going to skip one "Random Game of the Day" entry as well.

So you got these many games and you didn't even play ONE that day? What?

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