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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Further Decline of Culdcept Saga's Community

Over the past several weeks, I have jumped online to see if anyone is playing Culdcept Saga on the X-Box 360 - I didn't note those occurrences in my Daily Game Log because I ended up not playing the game - and noticed a serious decline in the number of available matches. I finally understand why that is so: apparently, the most influential Culdcept fan/community website, culdceptcentral.com, has recently gone offline. The reason behind it is as follows:

I don't know what exactly happened since I was not a part of that site's community but it is sad to witness someone who has lost all of his love and passion for the game. While I was searching for people to play with earlier this year, I did stumble into culdceptcentral.com. The site was professionally done and featured a lot of great information about the game that I am sure was very helpful to beginners. There's even a "Card of the Moment" section on it that I thought was a cute idea. What I did next was I looked at the gamertags of the players who registered on the site and then joined their games online. It was then that I found that some of these individuals were very, very, very arrogant - which I am sure is not the case for all of the community members from the site - and that really turned me off from participating in the community. From the description above, it seems like that may be the cause of the problem. I hope Andym4n would be able to enjoy the game again in the future but this time, without experiencing the hurt he described in his goodbye note. Culdcept deserves the admiration and support of such a gamer and it is a tragedy that the game was used against him in such a fashion.

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