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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Games Played 04/17/2009

Nanobreaker - PlayStation 2
Too Human - X-Box 360
Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade - PSP


Kill.Switch (2003)
Developer: Namco Hometek Inc.
Platform: X-Box
Purchase Date: 03/26/2004

Take Cover. Take Aim. Take Over. Repeat. Over and Over and Over Again.

If not for its engaging storyline, Kill.Switch would have been one of those games that I just don't find to be particularly engaging. It is a third person shooter with that typical high-tech military overtone and by-the-number action set pieces. Interestingly though, the most dominating gameplay element found here is its "Offensive Cover System". It's all a matter of finding a place where you can take cover and then strategically returning fire to dispatch your enemies. The easiness of having your character stay behind cover with a press of a button and the responsiveness of the control while covering are reminiscent of Gears of War but that game made everything much more simplified. The game's graphics are pretty average at best and the whole thing looks like as if they were going for the "realistic" feel to the environment. The lack of any definitive style has aged the game tremendously even when it is compared to other beauties found on the X-Box and the PlayStation 2.

LIBRARY STATUS: 3 out of 5

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