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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, July 1, 2011

Club Nintendo Elite Gifts Revealed!

Nintendo has finally revealed the elite rewards for Platinum and Gold Club Nintendo members today. I was able to yet again climbed up to the Platinum level for this fiscal year and I cannot wait to receive this:

Nintendo, I give you 10 for creativity. That manipulation of the boxes is just so clever!

This is definitely as cool as the figurine from last year and you know that badges are just so radically retro: it all makes sense! Gold members will get their usual Nintendo calendar. I still wish though that the Platinum members would get both the calendar plus the super special prize. I look forward to getting these badges, which should arrive "before the end of December 2011".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

its cool but expected more from nintendo like the wii gold wheel or a link statue but pins are nice.all im happy about is that i got something