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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Now Gaming on the iPad

My spouse has recently become a proud new owner of a 16GB iPad but you know what that means to me... I finally get to check out the video gaming scene for the device. The spouse is mostly using it to browse the Internet and use Skype while watching television shows in the living room: we would video Skype each other since I would be in the Game Room upstairs - we are a little too much eh? So whenever the iPad is not being used, I would take the opportunity to explore its gaming contents.

A new gaming destination?

The iPad comes with a "Game Center" application that serves as a hub for your gaming activities. Here, you can access your games, your friends list, and your achievements. Sad but true, the achievement system has made it into mobile gaming as well. I have downloaded the essential game of course: Angry Birds, the free regular and Rio releases. If you have never heard about the Angry Birds craze, it's a game where you slingshot different kind of birds into some structures, hopefully destroying the pigs hiding beneath them. It's cute and addicting and the sexy iPad screen makes everything look crisp and gorgeous. The "free game" models for the game apps here generally follow this rule: they all come with an advertisement banner that you can't turn off and they don't include the entire content of the full game. Still, it's fun to just mess around with whatever that are made available to you. The full games are cheap enough but will I ever buy any of them? I really don't think so... even though that Infinity Blade and Dungeon Hunter 2 both look mighty promising...

1 comment:

Kelli said...

I can't wait to get an I-pad, I feel like its the answer to all my problems