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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

MMO Desperation

I have been playing Borderlands with a Steam friend a lot these days and that game's fusion of loot-fest role playing and shooter actually made me miss playing a massively multiplayer online role playing game. Since I am not ready to commit to a REAL MMO right now - it's a toss-up between  my old favorite World of Warcraft and the new Rift - I have decided to revisit the world of *gulp* supposedly-free-to-play MMO again. So, for the third time now, I have downloaded Forsaken Worlds on Steam again to see if I could just push through the tutorial area. The first two attempts resulted in instantaneous deletion of the game because I couldn't stand the game after playing it for 5 minutes. It's the quest auto-route thing that really bothered me where by the click of the quest text, your character will then run towards the quest destination automatically. It killed off any sense of exploration that is completely necessary for a MMO. Sure, there are other supposedly-free-to-play MMO out there - and yes, I will always call them "supposedly" because you know that the cash shop will be intrusive beyond belief (only Riot Games has made a REAL free-to-play game) - but the reason why I have chosen Forsaken World again is because of how easy it was to just download it using the Steam client. I am about to jump back into the game so wish me luck. If this doesn't work out, I may have to get back into Runes of Magic again...

Will I find heartbreak or will this third time charm?


Kelli said...

Me and MMO's have commitment issues as well. I use to play Final Fantasy XIV when it came out nonstop, then some of my other favorite games started coming out, and I totally ditched it.. *sigh* sorry MMO's it was never meant to be

Loner Gamer said...

Final Fantasy XIV? I heard that Square Enix is not charging any monthly fee for anyone who bought that game until they fix the broken gameplay. You should take the opportunity to keep playing it while it's free :)

Kelli said...

I know... *sigh" it should be something to be excited about but I guess the commiting isn't there