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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

The Expiration Date... is a Lie?

Yakuza 3 is a game that I inducted into my Game Library on April 6th of this year, and yes, it took 3 months before I actually got myself playing the game. I was just in the mood of experiencing something with an open world element to it and Yakuza 3 seems to fit the bill just fine. When the game was installing the 5GB of data onto my PlayStation 3 yesterday, I took the time to look at the instruction manual and I was reminded of the fact that the game came with add-on voucher that expired on April 1, 2011. I remember feeling disappointed when I saw the voucher back in April because I missed it by 5 days but since I am now playing the game, I decided to just try out the access code and you know what? It worked!  Perhaps the whole "April 1" thing is an indication that the date was just a joke? Perhaps Sony just did not retire the game content by accident? Either way, if you plan on picking up a new copy of the game, please don't shred the voucher card just yet and enter the code ASAP!

Feel free to enter my used code. You never know, it may even work on multiple accounts!

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