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Saturday, July 2, 2011

Borderlands Upgraded

On Thursday, Steam was selling Borderlands: Game of the Year Edition for just $7.50. As you may already know, I originally picked up Borderlands when it first came out and it became the 2000th game in my Game Library. I only have 2 out of the 4 downlodable contents for the game: The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned and The Secret Armory of General Knoxx. The DLCs cost $9.99 each so I thought it would just be wise for me to take on Steam's offer and obtain the other 2 DLCs - Mad Moxxi's Underground Riot and Claptrap's Robot Revolution - for a fraction of the price. These two DLCs were also on sale for $2.50 each on Steam but they are not compatible with the retail edition - I would have been able to save $2.50. It took me a while to make the decision but in the end I think it was worth it. Besides, I just love managing my games on Steam. If I ever find some local gaming buddies, I would probably give one of them my retail copy of this game plus the two DLC codes. When I finally made up my mind that Thursday night, I thought that perhaps I should not induct any more games unless they are less than $10. I sure wish that accruing video games is that simple...

The Siren is back to finish the job! Playing in third person view is the way to go for me.


Kelli said...

The claptrap robolution dlc was super fun, but moxxi's undgerground riot got really really really really boring after like 5 rounds. I just can't sit here and shoot enemies all day..... that was also a pretty good deal for borderlands

Loner Gamer said...

Yeah, it's such an incredible deal - I just hate redundancies... Looking forward to play through the Robot Revolution content. A lot of people seem to really like it.