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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Temporarily Perfect

I can still remember that fateful afternoon when my launch PlayStation 3 died. It was extremely shocking because I thought that the hardware was going to last me a life time and what made it even more horrifying was that I had a PlayStation 2 disc trapped within it. Ever since then, I never leave game discs inside my consoles anymore. Heck, I don't even leave my UMD inside the PlayStation Portable for the fear that it may get stuck in there if I left it in for way too long. Being obsessive-compulsive, this new behavior is a bit stressful for me however because when I do put my game discs away, I like to place them back into their respective game cases. I leave these cases inside my gaming cabinets/organizers so it gets annoying sometimes to play a game consistently because that means that I would have to repeatedly take the disc in and out from where the case is located in. I have decided to create a new habit for myself - I am your number one control freak - where I would place the game cases along the wall when I know that I will be playing those games for a while. This way, I know that there's one general area where the game cases will be: I hate it when they are just scattered everywhere in the room. Maybe this will  help me focus a little bit more too when it comes to playing my console games. Hope I won't kick them by accident while exercising.

I don't know why I am still holding on to that Rift discount card...


Kelli said...

I still have a fear that my launch playstation is going to die soon...

When yours died did you fix that one or buy a new one?

Loner Gamer said...

I didn't send it back to Sony. I still have it sitting in its box in my closet. I decided to just get the "slmmer" version instead. I guess I am still hoping that one day, I would open the box, hook the launch unit up, and it would just work perfectly... What a dream, eh?

Kelli said...

I know what you mean, just the memories of standing in line when it was being launched is enough to not to get rid of it...

but I guess it would be smarter to buy the slim ps3 that has more GB space as well. I just wonder how much Sony would charge to fix the launch playstation.

Loner Gamer said...

To have Sony fix it, it will cost you $150 if you haven't been renewing the extended warranty. Quite costly and we paid so much for it already.