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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sony vs. Microsoft: Generosity Game

While Microsoft recently offered a free weekend for X-Box LIVE Gold access - the highlight of that really is the ability to access online multiplayer games, Sony is now offering a free month of PlayStation Plus via an email invitation. Between the two subscriptions, Plus is of course superior because it's offering free games to you but realistically, I shun both for being totally worthless. The Plus program is really for those who have extra money to burn and those who enjoy just staring at discounts on games that they will never ever buy because the PlayStation Network in itself offers a complete online gaming experience compared to the 360's LIVE that requires you to pay money to access online multiplayer as well as ittle things like Facebook, Netflix, and other non-gaming stuff that you can easily access for free on the PS3 or the Personal Computer. I am of course going to sign up for the free month and play that Tomb Raider: Underworld that is currently made available for free for Plus members. I am sure I will be able to complete the game less than a month before my license to access the game expires. In that sense, Plus is just a poor rental program and people may not be aware that once they stop paying the Plus subscription fee, they will not be able to play their free games anymore.

Update Note: 7:45am - What? A credit card is required to activate the trial? No Sony. You can kiss my Soraka horn. After what happened before, there is absolutely no way that you are going to get a hold of my cedit card information ever again. Those who are willing to share their information with Sony - I highly don't recommend it - and are looking for the free month code can email me and I will send the code over to you. The invite came with three 1-month Plus codes - not sure if everybody actually gets one because of the extra codes made available to share with friends.

Free weekend vs. free month - who comes on top here? Sony of course. [Update: But it's a trap!]

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