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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Free Month of LIVE Gold!

Woah, Microsoft must have felt the blow from my recent criticism of their measly free weekend access of LIVE Gold for the X-Box 360 in comparison to the generous free month of PlayStation Plus that is offered by Sony - the latter ended up being a shady deal however. It's either that or Microsoft is just thirsting for more cash from more people by offering basically nothing... Or more accurately, from charging people for online multiplayer that should be free to begin with - but I am going off on a tangent here. Basically, I received an email invitation from Microsoft that gives me access to one month of LIVE Gold! I don't see any indication on this email that a credit card will be needed to activate the Gold access because if that was the case, I am not sure if I am going to do it in fear that I may forget to cancel when the trial period ends. I will update this entry if a credit card on file is indeed necessary when I try to use the code tonight! If not, then I would say that Microsoft gets a thumbs up from me for giving me the ability to play my online multiplayer games for a month.

From $2 for 2 months to this? Microsoft is trying really hard to reel us in!

Update Note: 12/16/2011 - Didn't get a chance to activate the code until today and I redeemed it on xbox.com without the need to enter in my credit card information. Good job, Microsoft!

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