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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Coupons Begone!!!

Ah, those Steam Holiday Sale discount coupons... Don't you just hate them?  When you unlock an achievement, you get a coupon... When you craft coals, you get a coupon. You can't use them on top of the current discounts which ended up better deals than the coupons themselves. There are definitely a lot of hatred surrounding these mystical beings. But they are just misunderstood creatures of the galaxy! I think people are over-reacting about the coupons. They just serve as complimentary prizes. People forget that they are given a lot of opportunities to win game titles during this event. The only mistake that Valve has made here is that the coupons shouldn't be trolling the coal crafting process. Well, whether you love or hate them, my Steam group, the lovable No Wasabi, Just Leftover Sushi will be giving them away next year on January 6th at 6pm PST. This is your chance to get rid of your coupons or get more of them! Only group members are eligible to win, so please make sure to join, and you must also be present during the event! Merry Christmas everyone.

Coupon lovers' wet dream... And coupon killers' paradise!

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