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LIVE from the Game Room

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Achievement Whoring: It's Genetics!

The achievement system for the Steam service is something that I consider to be a standard in the video gaming industry as I have pointed out before and with the ongoing Steam Holiday Sale event, achievement hunting has taken a different kind of meaning because you are actually rewarded for unlocking them, no matter how unlucky you are with the random allotment of gaming prizes - Cough! Coupons! Cough! Over the last several days, I have actually stopped caring about unlocking the long list of daily tasks. After doing so vigorously since the start of the event a week ago, I am starting to realize that it's not fun to feverishly jump into a game just for the sake of unlocking an achievement. Sure, something good may happen from the achievement hunting but it is apparent that whoring for achievement is just not in my blood. I want to play video games to have fun, not to follow some rigid instruction that force me to play them a certain way. Granted, some of the tasks were fun - finding all the snowflakes in the tricky puzzler Toki Tori was both challenging and wildly entertaining - but jumping from one game to the next in that wild attempt to secure a lump of coal is not. The cool thing here is that having just merely one coal is satisfactory enough for me for the submission to the grand prize drawing. The more coals you have from the achievements, the higher the number of submissions you have for the drawing but since the Steam community is huge, I don't think it makes too much of a difference. It takes only one coal to win. As for the Holiday achievements that I have access to unlocking plus the upcoming ones for the last 3 remaining days, I will do my best to get to them. I sure wish I was an achievement whore. Well, no, not really.

I still have time to unlock about 10 more from past lists but I just don't feel up to it.

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