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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Games Played 03/08/2009

Castle Crashers - X-Box 360
Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis - X-Box
Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol - PlayStation 2
Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol Encore - PlayStation 2
Magna Carta: Tears of Blood - PlayStation 2
Rock Band 2 - X-Box 360
R-Type Dimensions - X-Box 360
Star Ocean: The Last Hope - X-Box 360
Street Fighter IV - PlayStation 3


Capcom Classic Collection Vol. 2 (2006)
Developer: Digital Eclipse Software
Platform: X-Box
Purchase Date: 2006

Ryu was a rebellious youth... Notice how he dyed his hair red in those early days.

While Vol. 1 contains a lot of shooters, this one focuses on Capcom's side-scrolling brawlers/hack-and-slash games. The most prominent addition to the collection is the floaty but fun Street Fighter but sadly, there is no option to switch Ryu and Ken's voices to Japanese like I remember them in the arcades - I cringe every time they shout "Dragon Punch". Yucks. Other bright spots include Strider, Eco Fighters, Mega Twins, Three Wonders, and The King of Dragons. I really don't understand why they just have to include Super Street Fighter II Turbo in there (Street Fighter Anniversary Collection was already released in 2005) but what is more baffling is the bonus guide video for that game where the supposed Street Fighter II tournament champion who narrates it keeps pronouncing Ryu's name incorrectly as "Rah-you". Disgusting. A lot of the games have co-op gameplay so it's a shame that I don't have anyone locally to play them with.

LIBRARY STATUS: 4 out of 5

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