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LIVE from the Game Room

Friday, October 1, 2010

This Galaxy Is Oh So Rogue!

I have started playing Rogue Galaxy for the PlayStation 2 again after perusing my Game Library for lengthy adventure title that I could commit to. I have never completed the game before because I found myself stuck on the game's third planet as I kept dying over and over and over again from the real time battle encounters. RG is a fun action role playing game where you control a band of space pirates who are travelling across the galaxy but I thought that it was heavily flawed when I played it back in 2007. You can have up to three people in your party at a time and the computer-controlled members of your group are questionable when it comes to their survivability. I have been casting myself playing the game over Justin.tv and I have now passed that point where I was totally destroyed before. Once I realized that I really needed to be more pro-active with the character's abilities - something that I despised doing before because of the scripted cut-scenes that followed their activations - everything makes a lot more sense now and the battles are definitely a lot easier. It does feel great to return to the game: sometimes, it takes a second try before I get very involved in a game.  Focusing on just one game never really works for me unless the game gets me completely hooked and I believe that RG has finally done that to me. I have a good feeling that I will be playing this for a while.

I used to hate both Kisala and Simon. They are more useful than I originally thought.

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