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Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Review: Teeth

Teeth (2008)
Genre: Horror
Format: Netflix Stream
Director: Mitchell Lichtenstein

If you are looking for a horror movie that is a little bit different but still has a lot of bite, you should definitely check out Teeth. This fascinating tale about vagina dentata, or toothed vagina, is brilliantly told and as menacing as the subject matter may be, it is actually quite humorous.

The owner of this very interesting case of dental mutation is Dawn, a teenager who spearheads her local high school purity ring organization. She begins to question her commitment to the group however when she becomes attracted to a new student who is also a bearer of the abstinence ring. This section of the movie is just hilarious and very well-acted - as Dawn and the guy becomes closer and closer, it is funny to watch the two of them trying to justify their devotion to purity until... it happens. It is then that Dawn discovers that she is not normal sexually and things just go downhill from there as one after another, unfortunate and horny males get to experience a horrible type of separation anxiety.

After the first accidental castration, I really didn't know where the movie would take me and this made the film rather unpredictable. The movie doesn't shy away from showing the audience the aftermath of the violent bites, and if you are a male, you may find these scenes undeniably disturbing. I do like the fact that Dawn is not portrayed as a monster, but as a confused young woman who is just trying to understand her sexual organ and resolve her feminine dilemma. The movie could have taken a darker route however but what we ended with is something more comedic even though losing a penis is no laughing matter. Dawn's eventual understanding of who she is turns her into a heroine of sorts and that takes away her predatory status.

Teeth took a light-hearted approach to an old myth and turned it into a realistic modern horror film. Though it has its blood-soaked moments, it toys around with the viewers' imagination to deliver the goods. Teeth is a strange and unique movie - I am sure the fun is multiplied when it's screened at a bachelor's party.

RATING: 4 out of 5

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