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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Do I Dream of Games?

With the many game experiences I have had ever since I was around 8 or 9 years old, I know that I pretty much live and breathe video games. I play them whenever I get the chance to and yes, though that may seem be the most ideal and dreamy situation for a lot of gamers, this activity does take me away from my other interest, most predominantly my drawings and writings. Getting this website started was a way for me to infuse creative writing into my gaming habits but there are other subject matters that I am so interested in writing about in both fiction and poetry forms. Growing up, I used to write and draw comic books and though I have tried to get this going again throughout these years, all of the time spent on playing video games has taken its toll of that aspect of my creativity. Perhaps the only exception when I tend to do other things beside gaming these days is when I am doing something with my significant other and that normally involves watching movies/television shows, spending some personal time together, as well as going out of the house for whatever reason. Of course, I also don't game when I finally go to sleep.

Since a majority of my life is spent on gaming, it is fascinating that I don't often dream about anything video game related in exception of one thing: Every so often - perhaps once every 2 years - I would dream about buying a new console or game and then bringing it back home only to wake up just as I was about to start playing it. Of course, that is not a dream. It is actually a freaking nightmare. What I do dream the most about however is being back at my undergraduate years at the university and actually being late or worse, skipping a class. Again, this not really a dream but a nightmare. For such scenario to keep reoccurring to me in my sleep must speak volume about my inner psyche - that I am a control freak with a massive obsessive compulsive behavior and that I like to be able to have total control over time and space in my daily life. It is my biggest fear to lose the ability to "keep up" and "maintain" an orderly scheduled life and of course being able to do so was such an important thing to me during those undergraduate years. I have not lost that rigid discipline in my professional life - though things are far less stringent now - so it is quite intriguing how my brain tend to revert back to that ancient time period instead reimagining a situation from something a little more current.

Dreaming electric is just a fantasy.

It is obvious that there are enough games for me in my conscious state that warrants not a sub-conscious excursions. I probably already have enough games at this moment to really last me a lifetime. Human years are so very short. In between gaming, living life, and dreaming, there is that state of non-existence when I would blank out as I slip into sleep and then suddenly become aware again in a state of consciousness. So it is that I don't dream of games, which makes me realize that it is a perfect fit for that eventual infinite time when I could only dream of nothing.

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