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Friday, October 8, 2010

Review: The Human Centipede

The Human Centipede: First Sequence (2009)
Genre: Horror
Format: Blu-ray
Director: Tom Six

If you follow your horror movie buzz, you must have already heard about Tom Six's The Human Centipede. I waited a while for this to finally get a home release and though the movie delivers in its centipede abomination, everything else about this movie is actually more disgustingly frustrating to watch instead of just being merely disgusting.

As announced proudly by the title, this movie is about several people who are unwillingly turned into a "Siamese triplet" and are connected to each other either orally or anally - sadly, for the poor person in the middle, both! Dr. Heiter, the movie's creepy villain, is a renown separation surgeon who has a dark desire to actually do the opposite of his specialty. So he got himself several dumb victims to work with to create his rather ingenious albeit disturbing flesh and blood masterpiece. As if the fact that they are sewn to each other's flesh is not bad enough, these victims are then abused physically and mentally by the lunatic who absolutely enjoys playing around with his creation.

The best part about the movie is its sick imagination. Just the thought of being one of the victims is downright chilling, especially with the great make-up works found in the film. That is unfortunately the only good news about this movie. The actions that were taken by the victims both before and after the catastrophic operation are just ridiculously stupid and after a while, it's hard to sympathize with them - especially after one scene where escape was sure to be certain if any of them actually had a brain. As evil as Dr. Heiter may be, he is only slightly smarter than his pets, which is of course a very fortunate thing for him. At least he is very fun to watch: Dieter Laser's portrayal of the psychotic German doctor is just pure perfection. The ending is highly disappointing and I feel that Tom Six who also wrote the screenplay, had completely wasted all of the nastiness invoked by the whole centipede situation.

Tom Six is currently working on the next installment for this movie which will supposedly feature a longer train of human victims connected to each other in a similar fashion. That may sound totally disturbing but let us hope that he will improve upon the actual storyline so that the movie can become truly horrific instead of being shocking but easily forgettable like this one.

RATING: 2 out of 5

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