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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, July 18, 2011

Goodbye Maya, Hello... Gaga?

So I have been using Yourself!Fitness on the X-Box for about 3 months now and the results of my workouts have been steady even though they have been a little on the slow side. The one problem that I am having with Yourself!Fitness right now is that it is a bit too rigid and serious and since I have not been in the best of moods these days, I want to be tricked into doing some exercises while doing something more fun. I am not going to remove the conventional exercise part of my daily routine completely out however.

My "Temporary Placement Wall" is getting a little too crowded.

What I have decided to do is use Dance Central on the X-Box 360 on a daily basis to work out some sweat. I am setting up a daily one hour DC session with maybe an off day on Saturday. Sure, this will translate into an all  out cardio session but since I am really not looking to get buff, it fits my need. Despite it being merely a "dancing game" compared to Yourself!Fitness, a good session with DC can be physically draining and I actually sweat more doing the dance moves than a complete workout session with Maya. In addition to DC, I am also going to start using the old treadmill I have sitting in my bedroom. It's time to put that puppy to good use.  I am very curious to see if this change in daily physical activities will boost my weight loss and body toning compared to what I have been doing. If things don't work out, well, Maya will always be there waiting for my return with open arms and a little bit of scolding.

These bars haven't been touched in years...

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