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Thursday, May 3, 2012

It May Not Be Indie, But It's a Good Deal

Okay, so if you are able to get your games published by Electronic Arts, one of the largest, and most ruthless, gaming companies there is, your games should not be considered "indie" titles. But in such a strange twist of fate, EA themselves are bundling a bunch of their games into what they are calling an "Indie Bundle" via Steam. I am assuming that EA knows that people usually like to support indie games instead of those published by megalomaniac companies so attaching that name to this bundle would result in a lot of profit.

70% discount? Hard to say no to that.

Okay, so the games included in this bundle are not indie games but they are games that I am definitely interested in. Sure, the bundle may be misleading - EA should have just called it an "EA Love Bundle" or something - but that's a pretty good deal on all of those games. I have been wanting to play Gatling Gears by Vanguard Games for a long while now, being a shoot-'em-up fanatic that I am, so I thought that it was a good time to finally get in on the action - and oh, it ends up being such a great game too! Really loving it. I am looking forward to play the rest of these "indie" games as well.

A game that looks THIS good can't possibly be an indie title...

1 comment:

Chalgyr said...

That is a pretty solid bundle. Unfortunately I have several of them already on my PS3 so I won't be picking this up, but it's a good price. Deathspank alone for those titles would tally close to that.