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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, May 14, 2012

Games Played 05/07/2012 - 05/13/2012

- 05/07/2012 -
Fishdom HD - iPad
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel - PC
Titan Quest - PC

- 05/08/2012 -
Fishdom HD - iPad
League of Legends - PC
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel - PC

- 05/09/2012 -
Beat the Beast HD - iPad
League of Legends - PC
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel - PC

- 05/10/2012 -
League of Legends - PC
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel - PC
Super Crossfire HD - iPad
Swordigo - iPad

- 05/11/2012 -
Fishdom HD - iPad
League of Legends - PC
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel - PC
Warlock: Master of the Arcane - PC

- 05/12/2012 -
Fishdom HD - iPad
League of Legends - PC
Street Fighter x Tekken - PC
Torchlight II Beta - PC

- 05/13/2012 -
Guild Wars - PC
League of Legends - PC
Mission Sword - iPad
Otomedius Excellent - X-Box 360
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel - PC
Street Fighter x Tekken - PC
Warlock: Master of the Arcane - PC

Screenshot of the Week:

Battling the mighty Cerberus.
Titan Quest - Personal Computer

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