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LIVE from the Game Room

Sunday, October 3, 2010

LoL Sexy Hour

Why is it that I am so attracted to these oddball characters? So, I have accumulated around 3200 Influence Points playing League of Legends on the Personal Computer and even though I thought of saving up for Blitzcrank - a yellow robot with an extended arm that could grab distant enemies - who can be purchased for 6300 IP or maybe even the soon-to-be-released sinister new champion named Swain, I decided to peruse the in-game store and check out the list of unlockable champions. I then decided to unlock Gragas rather randomly for 3150 IP. Gragas is an obese bearded recluse whose main ability consists of him drinking some grog and being in a drunken stupor. I didn't expect much when I jumped into a practice match but then I found that he was indeed a lot of fun to play. I have used him for the last 7 matches and I am afraid that he is really growing on me. Sorry Nidalee... It looks like you have been replaced.

I guess fat is better than cat.

Shake that belly like you mean it Gragas!

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