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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, July 1, 2013

Operation Suikoden Rescue

You know, there is a good reason why I am so diligent about placing game discs back into their appropriate cases after I am done playing them and that reason being the prevention of those game discs being misplaced. I, unfortunately, have adopted this habit of using a disc organizer to place the game discs that I frequented and this, I believe, has resulted in my current painful heartache. I was having a hard time deciding what to play earlier this evening and decided to visit my PlayStation 2 library before deciding on Suikoden V. Imagine my horror as I saw this when I opened the game case:

My heart. It hurts.

The game disc was missing! In panic, I checked my PS2 console and found that it wasn't in the disc tray. Next, I checked the disc trays on my current and old computer: both yielded nothing. The next step here would be to return all of the discs I placed inside the disc organizer back into their proper dwellings to see if I accidentally placed the Suikoden V disc inside one of those cases. Please, let that be the case because if not, I would have to open every single one of my PS2 game cases before moving on to the other consoles. I sure wish that all my games are digital. The same thing happened to me back in 2008 with a Personal Computer game, so let's hope that this incident will have a happy ending.

Update Note: 07/02/2013, 2:00am - I returned all the homeless discs into their appropriate game cases as well as went through some of my music CD cases and two rows of PS2 games and so far, I came up empty. I am beginning to get a little worried.

07/02/2013, 3:20pm - Success!

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