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LIVE from the Game Room

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Sniped by Valve

The Steam Summer Sale is evil. So, very evil. We all know that. It's because of the Steam Summer Sale that the price of Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 got slashed down by 85%! Yeah. 85% What kind of craziness is this? I love playing snipers... The sniper rifle is always my weapon of choice when it can be equipped in an action or shooter game. At $29.99, I wasn't in a hurry to pick up this game even though it was way below my acceptable price threshold. But at $4.99? Yeah... I would be crazy not to get it. May as well pick up one of the downloadable contents too I guess because it's only $1.49 from the original price of $9.99. Valve, this is a disgusting form of gamer abuse.

So why do we ever pay more than $10 for the games we buy?

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