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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Friend Activity or Spoiled Friend?

One of the things I like doing when I wake up in the morning is checking the Friend Activity page on my Steam client. I particularly enjoy reading that list of what my friends have recently purchased from the store and also look at the crazy screenshots that they have posted. Today, I wish that I missed a day of looking at the page because someone had posted a spoiler screenshot without using the spoiler feature that would censor the picture unless the viewers decided for themselves that they wanted to be subjected to such a thing. The game in question was Bioshock Infinite, a game that I have been playing every now and then but still haven't reached the end of the tale yet. It was a disgusting feeling. Probably a lot worse than stumbling into your parent's secret activity when you got home unexpectedly as a child. I immediately removed the person from my friend's list because this is Gamer Respect 101 - you never, ever take away other people's game enjoyment this way. I didn't know this person very well but after that, I am glad I didn't. I am all for people posting crazy and fun screenshots on Steam: Beautiful environments, "OMGalaxy" situations, the perfect mis-en-scenes, sure. But when those things are tied to an important story or surprise element in the game, show a bit of care and use that spoiler feature.

The Friend Activity page: Test your common sense here.

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