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LIVE from the Game Room

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Silent Hill: Shattered Manhood

I thought I wanted to spice up my daily gaming routine by playing a horror game. Yeah, what a brilliant idea, right? Especially the fact that I don't do very well with horror games these days after being traumatized by Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterflies on the PlayStation 2 many years ago. After going through several candidates, I finally decided on Silent Hill: Shattered Memories for the Nintendo Wii that I picked up in September of last year. I thought that streaming a horror game on twitch.tv would numb the fear somewhat but I couldn't be more wrong. As you can witness from my session with the game, I didn't last very long. One thing I can say however is that I was very surprised and infinitely intrigued by the presentation of this game. The VHS tape menu screen is just creepy and the whole therapy session framing device is quite fascinating. I really wanted to play the game until I arrived at that abandoned garage merely minutes into the game. I froze. It was so dark except for the areas illuminated by my character's flashlight. Then, as I was scrambling silently in terror for a pause button, I managed to turn off the flashlight. Oh I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Further button pushing experimentation yielded a very interesting command where the character pathetically yells out the name of his daughter. I was done. I really need to build up the courage to continue playing this game however because there's a lot of promise here. When that happens, there will be a lot of screaming. What is the secret formula to help one man up while playing a horror game?

I really don't like where this is going...

1 comment:

Chalgyr said...

ROFL - not going to lie, the title of your article alone pretty much ensured I was going to stop by and read it. I love horror games - you mentioned Fatal Frame II, which is one of my wife's and my favorite games ever. Loved that whole series. No advice on how to man up, but best of luck all the same.