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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, July 29, 2013

Mortal Kombat: Visit The Krypt More Often

When the latest Mortal Kombat hit Steam earlier this month, I couldn't wait to get a hold of the game. It was difficult to do however because I already have the game on the PlayStation 3 but I knew that such a release should be given a welcoming support from the Personal Computer gaming community because I want to see console-centric games like this one being released the PC continuously. Controller support is becoming a common thing these days in the world of PC gaming but developers and publishers do have to be assured that the PC gamers are indeed interested. The price of $29.99 was low enough at the launch of the game but I thought it could be a little cheaper. The game did get a 33% discount during the Steam Summer Sale but I was too focused on getting cheaper games and when the sales event was over, I did feel a tiny tinge of regret for not inducting the game at that slightly cheaper price back then.

Jade sure knows how to pose for a great picture.

Well, the opportunity became available again as the game had received the same discount yesterday and it looks like the discount will stay until tomorrow. I decided to get the game this time and I am very happy with my acquisition. There are some complaints about lag in online matches but I have yet to confirm if the same problem would affect me. Just like most games, I normally love to play offline for the most part and this game has plenty of offline contents. I will have to look at my friend's list to test out the online gameplay but for now, I can confirm that the game itself does perform magnificently on my PC at native 1080p with all the settings maxed out. There are definitely some miss opportunities here to make the game look a lot better: Implementing new higher resolution textures would have given it a modern polish but the game is pretty good looking to begin with. Everything is running at a smooth 60 frames per second and more importantly, the loading time has been tremendously improved. Which is a huge bonus because I remember the frustration of unlocking contents from "The Krypt" where you can spend the in-game koins that you have collected when I was playing the game on the PlayStation 3. The load time to get in and out of the Krypt was annoying but now, it's almost as if it's not even there. If you have never played this game before, get this PC version. If you have played it before, it's mostly a matter of convenience and support and if those things are important to you, then you should not hesitate any longer.

You no longer have to wait for the old gatekeeper to find the right key to get into The Krypt.

Update Note, 12:15pm - As a super mega bonus in this PC version, the best fatality in the game, which is Kenshi's Scatterbrained fatality (it's more delicious than it sounds), is no longer plagued by slowdown! This is the only fatality in the game that doesn't cross cut into a close-up, giving it a really nasty, gut-wrenching immediacy to its violence. The whole bloody proceeding is filled with slowdown on the PS3 version but everything is silky smooth here! Oh yes!

Now nastier than ever!

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