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LIVE from the Game Room

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I Crafted a Badge?!

As I have discussed previously, crafting a game badge on Steam for a non-Badge Whore is a very long and perhaps almost impossible process. Thankfully, the badge to commemorate the current Steam Summer Sale is a different story. Since almost everyone is involved in either voting or buying games during this promotional period, they also reluctantly receive trading cards for those activities and that means, it's easier to find people in your direct pool of friends to trade cards with. It also helps that there is no limit to the badge drop but expect to receive duplicates to what you already have. I traded with about 3 people to complete the 10-card set and I should have captured the moment on my stream to save it for the future - since I know badge crafting is a rarity foe me - when I crafted the badge because what followed was a rather mesmerizing animation of those cards swirling around as if they were in one of those Gust Atelier games before I was presented with the badge alongside several other goodies, one of them being... a background for my Steam profile?!
It would be nice if we could just place anything we want on the Steam profile background...
Once crafted, the trading cards disappeared - so if you enjoyed looking at the full-colored card previews themselves, you won't be able to access them anymore though you can still click on them to see whatever pictures that popped up before. Then, I noticed that completing another set of the same trading cards will unlock another badge. Yeah, Valve is really milking this thing to death and you know the Badge Whores are buying those cards like crazy from the marketplace. There are still about 6 days left to this sales event so who knows, maybe I will be able to craft the second tier badge?

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