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LIVE from the Game Room

Monday, July 22, 2013

Games Played 07/15/2013 - 07/21/2013

- 07/15/2013 -
Castle Crashers - PC
Dota 2 - PC
Hitman: Absolution - PC
Organ Trail: Director's Cut - PC
Scribblenauts Unlimited - PC
Reus - PC

- 07/16/2013 -
League of Legends - PC
Hitman: Absolution - PC
Scribblenauts Unimited - PC

- 07/17/2013 -
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes - PC
League of Legends - PC

- 07/18/2013 -
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes - PC
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - PC
League of Legends - PC

- 07/19/2013 -
Dawngate Closed Beta - PC
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - PC
League of Legends - PC

- 07/20/2013 -
Galaxy Hunter Freya - iPad
League of Legends - PC
Monaco: What's Yours is Mine - PC
Roswell Fighter Reloaded - iPad
Solstice Arena - iPad
Sword of the Stars: The Pit - PC
Torchlight II - PC

- 07/21/2013 -
Bioshock Infinite - PC
Fieldrunners - PC
League of Legends - PC
Solstice Arena - iPad
Torchlight II - PC

Screenshot of the Week:

I really do miss long elevator rides in video games.
Bioshock Infinite (Personal Computer)

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